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发布时间:2020-11-25 14:35:47   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

(1) The handling personnel shall hold a copy of the branch's business license to receive the application for cancellation of registration of the branch from the industrial and commercial department; (2) cancel the tax and bank accounts of the branch.
(3) Prepare relevant materials for branch company deregistration. As the branch does not have the legal personality, the relevant materials shall be decided and signed by the affiliated company, and the company's official seal shall be stamped as required;
(4) Submit the application materials and wait for the examination results of the industrial and commercial departments;
(5) If the examination and approval is passed, the handling personnel shall take the notice of approval of cancellation of registration of branch company to the company registration authority for the cancellation and filing of branch company.
(6) After completing the above operations, the branch also needs to cancel its business license and company seal as required. At this point, the branch cancellation process is basically completed.
Generally speaking, the expenses for cancellation of branch companies should be determined according to the type of company and whether the enterprise is filing taxes normally. Under normal circumstances, the fees paid by the cancellation of branch companies are mainly the taxes and fines paid. If it is a normal account cancellation, its charge is generally about several thousand yuan, but if it is an abnormal account cancellation, then its cost should be comprehensively evaluated according to the actual business situation of the enterprise. In addition, during the cancellation of the branch, the enterprise also needs to pay the liquidation audit fees (usually thousands of yuan), certain materials, printing and copying fees (usually tens of yuan), transportation costs (usually tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan), and other miscellaneous expenses. If the branch company cancels to seek the industry and Commerce agency service, it also needs to pay 4000-6000 yuan of agency service fee. Therefore, it is necessary for the enterprise to prepare for the expenses before the cancellation of the branch company!
For more information about Linyi agency bookkeeping, please visit our website: http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com There will be a lot of content in the website for reference only.